Friday, October 8, 2010

HELLO!!  I know I haven't posted in forever.  The sun has been shinning here in SF and it makes it very hard to sit inside and type. I thought I'd upload some photos from the last two rolls in my camera. I still haven't figured out this camera completely. I downloaded a manual to read .. but after about an hour of fiddling with buttons and knobs I've managed to mess up the shutter speed and the once bright satursation is now a little dull, I'll get it eventually, I hope!

I've also taken up a new hobby!!! I'm now taking a class in metal work and jewelery, and I absolutely love it!  It's a little tough to keep my nails pretty with all the hammering, sawing, and soldering but it's worth it! I'll be uploading photos soon. :)

Photos of Chinatown and a day in the park, before I touched the buttons on the camera:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's so nice out I can't blog!

my sunburn is getting sunburned. :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Innovation Project: INCEPTION the GAME

Assignment: By Gareth Kay & Max Heilbron
Retell a story that everyone already knows. (Think about: How does it involve mobile, social, is it competitive?)

Platform: Foursquare and Sekai app

Unfortunately I think you have to download the PDF to read the fine print.  (not sure how to embed a PDF to my blog yet)

Innovation project: THE INCEPTION GAME  

What is Sekai Camera?

Social Augmented Reality Mobile Location-based Service:   "Sekai Camera" (World Camera)
Our client-side software and web service enable camera-equipped mobile devices (such as iPhones, Android "Google Phones", and other smart-phones) to access informational and entertainment services by creating a "Clickable World" via the use of Augmented Reality (AR) hyper-tags. These user-clickable tags, which we call "AirTags", are location-based and mapped in the real world. These AirTags can be seen and accessed through the camera view of mobile devices with Sekai Camera software. Sekai Camera is realized though a combination of  technologies, including client-side software deployed on iPhone, Android and other OS platforms, and also highly scalable web computing systems. In addition, Sekai Camera integrates with services provided by mobile carriers,existing data/service providers, and location technology companies, which combined, enable this dynamic
location-based information retrieval service. check out 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Roll 3

"I have been to the sea and back, climbed tall mountains, and sang in the pitch black. I have the bump on my knee and the bruises on my feet to prove it.."

Recently I took my camera and mistakably only one roll of film and headed to the Land's End Trails.  I was in search of inspiration from nature for a new project for my summer innovation class.  As I walked along the trials I took photos here and there trying to save most of my footage for when I reached the ocean.  As I walked to the edgy of the tails I could hear the waves crashing, I snapped one shot of a lonely rock and as I clicked the button to shoot another of the seagulls flying over head I heard nothing.  "Where was the click?!"  I thought at first maybe I hadn't set the lever (that must be wound after each click), but it was stuck when i tried.  Through the view find I saw only black.  I swear if it's not one thing its another!  Who ever said "third times a charm.."  clearly wasn't working with film.

On the bright side!!!  I  managed to rewind the 8 photos that I did take..

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Meet the love of my life...

Kira!!! also known as "Monster"

I would like to introduce to you... " Party Ardi!!!"

Annie's puppy Ardi loves to hump. After hanging out for a day I found I had a full Flip camera of Ardi doing what Ardi does best...